Trivial Lives

We hail entertainers as Gods.
We've turned our jesters into kings.
The most discussed, admired, emulated, idolised people in our society are those who most fully distract us from living meaningful lives.


The driving force for the materially poor is money. 
The driving force for the emotionally poor is power.
The driving force for the vast majority of people is entertainment.

What drives this need to be entertained? 
Mundane, restrictive and controlled lives seek escape, and entertainment provides escape if only for a while.

So desperate are we that we hail entertainers as Gods and Goddesses. The more scandalous, and outrageous the behaviour  the greater the attraction. 

We only think of models, film and TV stars as entertainers. However politicians, preachers, businessmen, social activists and criminals also often entertain. Sometimes even dull bureaucrats become entertainers with their pronouncements and actions.  
The entertainment factor based on their conduct is measured by what is popularly known as 'news worthy'

Instead of seizing the noble opportunity to raise consciousness and stimulate awakening they have opted for weakening and numbing the mind.
Generally media now reports more trivia than meaning, a lot of opinions disguised as fact, and injects biases to manipulate and effectively brainwash the masses. 

Only the lucky have escaped this noose. Are you one of them?



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