Diligent about Nothing

On the whole, we have been living in the most materially prosperous time in human history. As a result we are freed from much back breaking labour and most physical labour. So we have a lot of free time to do nothing.

So we should be happy, right? 
It seems that we are at the lowest point in happiness, peace of mind and at the nadir of our mental and spiritual health. Worse, we do not know what to do.

So we indulge ourselves in various forms of abuse, sexual, social, intellectual, religious financial, political, everything revolving around the self. A kind of masturbation. We are becoming increasingly narcissistic that is the is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealised self image and attributes.

At heart we always have a higher opinion of ourselves than our family, friends, peers and society. In the hope that the world will recognise us if not today but sometime in the future, we record every thought and action that crosses our lonely, self occupied mind and body. 

Truly, never before has a generation so diligently recorded themselves accomplishing so little.


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