Blunder, by Man or by God?

If God created the Universe, then, who created God?

This my my 5 year old grandsons asked, me as I did my parents and they had asked my grandparents, without anyone getting a satisfactory answer.

So life just moves along with this nagging doubt, and most of us will die never knowing the answer.

Even if we were to get a satisfactory answer, what will we do with it? Nothing.

Like the fable of the six blind men and the elephant, even the so called God we create will only be our perception and everyone's perception will be different. Each one creating his or her own God.


Friedrich Nietzsche. (1844- 1900) was a German philosopher and scholar, whose thoughts have exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history.

Interesting Links:

Truth, Perception and 6 Blind Men - Guru Wonder


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