Strong and Gentle

The stronger a person is, the more gentle he or she can afford to be.

                    ~ Elbert Hubbard


A question arises 'What is strength?'

Strength is manifested in many ways. We are easily impressed by certain type of strengths because they are easily visible particularly physical, political, religious or financial strength.  
Being external to the being these are not even true strengths they are just props for individuals. Here today gone tomorrow.  

Mental capacity and oratory are also strengths for they are the power born of the mind. However the mind is no more than a conjured up reality. A reality that helps mortals to cope and survive. They too change like the weather, a new idea or philosophy can overturn that was considered a strength into ridicule.

Man is the only creature that can rise above animal, because each one of us has the potential to awaken and become divine.  True strength comes from a strong spiritual core. This which is the basis of all morality and wisdom, is the spirit. This is integral and at the very core of our existence. It never leaves us, and though most of us are not conscious about it, its what actually defines us.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "All men respond well in adversity, if you want t really test a man's character, give him power."  

Only when a person has true strength can he or she choose to be gentle.

If ever you are rude, rough, inconsiderate, disrespectful or hateful, remember you are not showing how strong you are but actually how weak you are.


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